気楽に・・・・English・・・・・・・Page 117

1. Award for perfect (   ) were given out at the annual luncheon.

   (A) attendant
   (B) attendance
   (C) attending
   (D) attend

2. Effort to receive the man (   ) with failure.

   (A) met
   (B) were
   (C) ran
   (D) accompanied
3. All persons visiting the plant must present themselves to the
   receptionist at the front desk prior to (   ) the restricted area.

   (A) have entered
   (B) enter
   (C) entering
   (D) be entered

4. Opportunities such as this one do not present (   ) often.

   (A) some 
   (B) so
   (C) every time
   (D) themselves

5. The matter will be passed to our head office (  ) the account is not
   settled promptly.

   (A) nevrthless
   (B) even
   (C) if 
   (D) although

6. A sharp decline in borrowing (   ) the last several months, has caused
   some concern among credit analysts.
   (A) over 
   (B) since
   (C) yet
   (D) during

7. Since most software is available through catalogs and discount stores,
   customers (  ) pay full price for software programs.

   (A) hardly
   (B) sometimes
   (C) hardly never
   (D) hardly ever

8. Claims for damages have declined (  ) when compared to thistime last

   (A) precipitiously
   (B) precipitious
   (C) precipiting
   (D) precipitated

9. Fashion designers often (  ) of people'S vanity.
   (A) appeal to
   (B) concentrate
   (C) sell designs
   (D) take advantage

10.Please remember that all business expences incurred will be (  ) if 
   accompanied by receipt.

   (A) reimbursed
   (B) pay out
   (C) repay
   (D) reimburse

正解:   1. (B); 2. (A); 3. (C); 4. (D); 5. (C); 6. (A); 7. (D); 8. (A); 9. (D); 10. (A);

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