気楽に・・・・English・・・・・・・Page 358

   4/3/99        Lesson.12 An eager beaver


Dialogue (Idiomatic)

 A: That guy is an eager beaver. He never goofs off.
 B: He really wants to get ahead.
 A: You can count on him.
 B: If extra work crops up, he will pitch in.
 A: He's not a clockwatcher.

Dialogue (Standard)

 A: That man is a hard worker. He is never lazy.
 B: He really wants to become successful.
 A: You can rely on him.
 B: If extra work suddenly appears, he will help.
 A: He's not in hurry to leave the office.
 Guy 			n.) man
 Eager beaver   	n.) ambitious, zealous, hard worker
 Goof off  		v.) not want to work, be lazy.      goof: へま(をする)、ばか、とんま、          
 Get ahead		v.) become successful 
 Count on 		v.) depend, rely on, trust
 Crop up		v.) happen quickly without warning (問題・困難などが)不意に現れる。
 Pitch in		v.) help
 Clockwatcher	    n.) person in a hurry


 Guyの使い方、 ひとりの男性を指すときは、guy
          複数の男性を指すときは、 guys
   	            全て女性のグループを指す場合でも、  guys

 男性、女性の混合グループにむかって"You guys Have a nice weekend."、まったく問題のない表現です。

 Eager beaverは良く使われる表現ですので覚えておいてください。
 Get aheadは lesson.8 ででてきた"fall behind の反対の意味です。

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