気楽に・・・・English・・・・・・・Page 212

aftershock   余震
jolt      ゆする、がたがたさせる、
rattle     ガタガタ鳴る
tidal          潮の
surge         大波、      (a surge of anger   怒りの高まり)
        tidal surge や tidal wave で「津波」とする事もありますが、やはり、
        津波は tsunami が一番ピッタリだそうです。 
ashore        浜に、岸へ、陸上へ
swept         sweepの過去・(台風・ニュースなどが)さっと通過する、痛撃する、襲う
tremor       (大地の)震動、身震い、震え
gangrene      壊疽(えそ)、脱疽(だっそ)
flung         flingの過去・過去分詞。 ほうりつける、急に動かす、
debris        (破壊物の)破片、
fracture      裂く(砕ける)こと、骨折、割れ目、裂け目、(医)を割る、割れる、
laceration    [ラサイション] 引き裂くこと、切り(裂き)傷
relief workers 救助隊
villagers   village 村 に er  をつけて 村民 
hit by the tsunami  津波が襲う、(ここでも、hit が「襲う」と使われています。

TSUNAMI'S AFTERSHOCKS JOLT COAST:                                              
 VANIMO, Papua New Guinea - Aftershocks rattled the northern coast of Papua New 
 Guinea on Thursday, nearly a week after waves from an undersea earthquake swept
 ashore, killing at least 1,200 people. The tremors were not strong enough to   
 create more deadly tidal surges, and relief workers on the Pacific island      
 nation were able to continue treating hundreds of injured villagers, many      
 suffering gangrene. Most injuries occurred when the tsunami flung people
 against trees or debris, fracturing bones and causing lacerations. About 6,000 
 of the 8,000 to 10,000 people who used to live in the 18-mile stretch of coast 
 hit by the tsunami last Friday remained missing and were feared dead.   

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