気楽に・・・・English・・・・・・・Page 35



    良く似た単語で、curve カーブ, carve 薄く切る、(運命を)拓く。彫る


 ☆encrypt [enkript]

    インターネットで セキュリティーの警告で下のようなメッセージが出てくる。

   辞書をひいても出てこないので、en-crypt を分けて調べると

   en- は "make","to put into the stated condition", "to enlarge" などであり、

   crypt は "an underground room" とある。


    You have requested a secure document. The document and any information
    you send back are encrypted for
   privacy while in transit. 
    For more information on security choose Document Information from the View menu.


    You have requested an insecure document. The document and any
    information you send back could be observed by a third party while in
    transit. For more information on security choose Document Information
    from the View menu.


   ☆gyration [ジャイイション]


   Recent gyrations in the stock market could have long-term

   benefits for the U.S. economy by slowing growth to a more

   sustainable level. In congressional testimony Wednesday,

   動詞は gyrate [ジャイレイト] (軸、固定した点を中心に)回転する。

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