気楽に・・・・English・・・・・・・Page 350

   3/25/99        Lesson.11  One for the books



  A: He's a nitwit. What half-baked idea does he have now?
 B: He's sure he can become a millionaire by buying 100 lottery tickets. He think still be a piece of cake.
 A: That's one for the books! It's no cinch making money.
 B: He talks through his hat. You have to take everything he says with a grain of salt.
 A: Just watch! He'll have egg on his face.


 Nitwit 			n.) idiot , fool
 Half-baked 			adj.) foolish , silly , bad
 A piece of cakes  		n.) easy 
 One for the books!		n.) That's unusual, That's remarkable
 A cinch			n.) easy
 Talk through one's hat       	v.) make exaggerated or inaccurate statement 
 Take with a grain of salt	v.) listen with skepticism
 Have egg on one's face 	v.) be embarrassed


 nitwitは仲間同士で"馬鹿なやつ"と軽くからかうときに You nitwit! と使います。
 One for the booksはThat's ridiculousとほど同じ意味です。 
 皮肉をこめて "なんておかしな、なんて馬鹿な!"
 A piece of cakesこれは頻繁に使われますので絶対覚えてください。
 Talk through one's hatは、"尾ひれをつけて言う"

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