気楽に・・・・English・・・・・・・Page 384

  5/31/99    群れ


 (牛、馬、キリン)の群れ   a hard of (cattles, horses, zebras). 

 (鳥、羊)の群れ       a flock of (birds, sheep).

 (猟犬、狼、悪者)      a pack of (hounds, wolves, thieves)

 (魚)            a school of (fish)

 (虫)            a swarm of (bees, ants,)

  魚の群れは a school of 〜 なのですね。

  めだかの学校もここからきたのでは?    めだか: "medaka" ,killifish,

  人もすし詰になっている状態をあらわすのに pack が使われます。

  A : The Jyoban Line is crowded during rush hour.   

    B : Yes, people are packed in like sardines.

        sardine   : イワシ(鰯)
    packed like sardines : すし詰め


   Passengers are packed into the train.
     The train is jammed with passengers.
      The train is overcrowded) with passengers.

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